Our Mission:
We always strive to operate at the best possible standard, so to ensure our team of instructors have the best skills, a lot of time and money goes into their own personal training and development. Not only does this investment develop their professional skills, but it ensures they’re always learning and enjoying their jobs. We believe we can make what is usually a seasonal job into a career – to do what we love for a living for a wage that is fair for the work and passion we contribute to the sport every day on snow.
We aim to create a platform for our instructors to be able to comfortably live off an income from ski/snowboard instructing and make it viable to pursue a long-term career in this incredible industry. We have been developing a system to efficiently manage our snow sports school so that we are able to pay our instructors what they deserve. After all, the more highly skilled and happy our instructors are, the better experience our guests will have here in Niseko – and eventually we hope to extend this platform to other snow resorts in Japan! We believe that this contribution to the industry will help make it last 100 years!
Japan is globally renowned for it’s spectacular snowfall and has been dubbed as having ‘the driest powder in the world’. This attracts snow sports lovers from all over the globe, and once you get a taste of Japow – you will keep coming back! Our goal is to give you the best possible snow experience in Japan, and we wouldn’t be able to accomplish that without snow. Every season we are seeing a change in the climate and are very sensitive to the idea of a hotter climate shortening our beloved winters. Being so passionate about the mountains and the environment in general, we have partnered up with an environmental organization called Protect Our Winters.
POW does some incredible work around the world and we are proud to work alongside their Japanese based team to attempt to tackle the issue once and for all. This is critical in protecting the snow sports industry and allowing it to thrive for many, many more years to come.
Skiing/snowboarding is not just a sport, it is a lifestyle that we live and breathe every day. We travel thousands of miles, sometimes even across borders to visit particular mountain ranges and stay in new places, experiencing local cuisine and soaking in the culture. This sensational lifestyle is possible because of the industry being backed by local communities, being provided with natural resources and the local people’s hard work. In Niseko, the experience goes beyond the slopes and as well as remembering the incredible mountain, you will also remember the warm smile the Japanese shop keeper gave you when you couldn’t find the right small change to buy your morning coffee. We aim to give back to the local community and keep our winters humming and the locals enjoying it just as much as our guests do.
In Japan, we are a little behind some of the European countries in sustaining our tourism industry, however we are working on changing this. Our instructors are highly experienced overseas as well as domestically. We believe that this experience accumulated allow us to support our local community to work on more sustainable ways to celebrate tourism in small ski towns across the country. Of course we would like to grow the snow sports industry, but we are working on doing this gradually at a sustainable pace and we are working alongside our local people to do so! This controlling of rapid growth contributes to our mission by allowing us to savor our resources for many years to come – 100 even!
Even if all three of the above were accomplished, it wouldn’t be true success if we could not pass on the job to the next generation. Our final and possibly most challenging mission is to develop new generation instructors. In Japan, ski/snowboard instructing is not recognised as a professional career, therefore there are few pathways that young people can take to have a career in the Japanese snow sports industry. We are working on developing curriculums for the next generation of industry professionals that we can pass our existing philosophies on to and ensure the effort we have already put into making these changes is further developed.
We are very dedicated to accomplish a clear pathway into the snow sports industry so that the next generation will be able to turn their passion into a real career and make this a viable, even profitable career path. This will allow instructors to thrive and continue working for many more years to come and attract even more great people to this fantastic lifestyle. This contributes to extending the longevity of the snow sports industry by ensuring there are always skilled professionals teaching the sport and sharing their love for it to encourage people to ski/snowboard for as long as they can, and eventually pass the love of it onto their children. This will ensure the industry survives to 100 years and even more, with it being a path that young people may one day see as a very successful and rewarding career.